Custom Modular

Customized Trade Show Displays That Make an Impression

Our custom modular exhibits are flexible, adaptable, and designed specifically to meet your unique needs.

Our expert team specializes in crafting highly versatile and impactful displays that adapt to your unique trade show needs. With meticulous attention to detail and innovative designs, our custom modular exhibits create an engaging and cohesive environment that captivates audiences and communicates your brand message effectively.  Whether you’re looking for a small inline or large custom island exhibit—whatever your need—we work closely with you to deliver tailor-made solutions that elevate your trade show presence and set you apart from the competition.

Captivate at Every Point with Our Custom Modular Exhibits

At OnePoint Integrated Exhibits, we offer an array of innovative solutions for your exhibit needs.

Our custom modular exhibits revolutionize your ability to captivate, engage, and forge connections at every event. 

Whether you have a small inline, large island, or anything in between, we can help you stand out from the crowd, attract attendees your space, generate leads, and provide a positive, memorable brand experience. 

And, because our exhibits are custom-modular, they are flexible, scalable, and can be designed to accommodate a wide range of booth sizes and types. They can even be used outside of the trade show space to create branded environments in showrooms, lobbies, offices, warehouses, retail stores, and more. 

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