Services Overview

Elevate Your Trade Show and Event Experience

We go above and beyond for our clients to make sure you have a smooth trade show marketing experience.

From discovery, design, and build to shipping, installation, and storage, at OnePoint Integrated Exhibits, we operate as a full extension of your team to help you navigate the complex intricacies of trade shows. Our full suite of services takes the worry out of your trade show or event experience, allowing you to focus on what’s most important.

close up of hand and drawing tablet next to computer


Whether you’re looking for an eye-popping banner stand, a one-of-a-kind tradeshow exhibit, or a custom retail point-of-purchase display, we’re here for you. With capabilities for graphic design, space planning, CAD design, 3D color renderings, and video animations, we can help you bring your brand to life in any environment.

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Exhibit Management Services

We offer comprehensive exhibit management services, ensuring seamless execution from concept to completion. Our expert team oversees every aspect of your display’s journey, from design and fabrication to shipping and installation to management and storage, so you have a successful and impactful presence. 

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