binders stacked on a table

Turnkey Show Services Let You Concentrate on Your Customers

Exhibiting at a trade show comes with countless details to manage. In many cases, the trade show organizer will provide exhibitors with a ‘show book’ filled with deadlines to meet and services to coordinate. Show books, which can run more than 100 pages, can be overwhelming for anyone who doesn’t manage shows full-time, year-round. Faced with so many logistical challenges, marketers risk losing sight of the reason they exhibit in the first place—to connect with customers and prospects.

That’s where OnePoint’s turnkey exhibit management services come in. OnePoint takes a holistic approach to managing all aspects of your trade show experience, making your job easier and ensuring your brand makes the best possible impression.


OnePoint Turnkey Show Services Have You Covered

When you choose to enroll in our turnkey exhibit management program, our team takes care of the details so you can focus on connecting with customers and prospects and making sales. We manage every aspect of your trade show appearance.

Asset Storage and Management

With OnePoint’s web-based asset management portal, you can log in to see what displays and show materials (e.g., products, literature, giveaways) are available, what condition they’re in, how frequently they are used, and more. Before the show, OnePoint pulls everything you need, stages it, and packs it safely to ship to your show. After the show, our thorough check-in process ensures everything is returned in good condition. We clean all components, make any necessary repairs and, if anything is missing or damaged, do the legwork to track it down and/or file a claim on your behalf.


Pre-Show Staging

Before shipping, our team sets up all custom-modular exhibits in the warehouse so our clients can stop by to see the complete exhibit (or review photos we send). This step acts as an insurance policy to ensure all of your exhibit’s parts and pieces are ready, preventing show-floor emergencies. When this critical step is skipped, it’s common for exhibitors to discover missing or damaged parts onsite, where it’s difficult and stressful to fix problems at such short notice.


Shipping to and from trade shows is very different from shipping to a business. Trade shows have specific, unique rules and deadlines that carriers must follow. We understand the intricacies of shipping to and from trade shows, and our trusted shipping partners know how to ensure your exhibit is delivered and picked up on time, every time.

Material Handling

Trade shows charge a material handling fee to move your exhibit materials from the dock to your booth space before the show, to store your crates during the show, and to load your truck after the show. Since material handling costs are calculated by weight, OnePoint designs displays and exhibits made of the lightest-weight materials possible. We complete all shipping and material handling paperwork to make sure it’s completed correctly to keep costs to a minimum.

Installation & Dismantle Service

No matter where you’re exhibiting or what the union regulations are, OnePoint can manage setting up and tearing down your exhibit. As an exhibitor-appointed contractor (EAC), OnePoint will complete all of the necessary paperwork and supervise any required onsite workers (such as electricians, sign assemblers, and rigging crews), providing detailed CAD drawings, photos, and instructions to ensure your booth is set up exactly as planned.


Some type of flooring is typically required for trade show booths. Rather than renting from the venue, consider purchasing your own custom carpet, rollable vinyl, or other flooring options from OnePoint.

Electrical & Internet

OnePoint helps you determine how much power you’ll need and hires a venue-approved electrician to install and plug in electrical devices like lights, monitors, etc. We’ll also make sure you have a robust internet connection throughout the show.


If your booth requires rented furniture, such as seating and tables, we’ll coordinate getting it to your booth and arranging it as planned.

Lead Retrieval

One of the most important details of trade show management is having a plan to capture leads for later follow-up by the sales team. OnePoint can arrange the necessary equipment for scanning badges, so you capture every last lead from each show you attend.

All the Details

OnePoint handles all the extra details, from hiring a catering or floral service to cleaning the booth before and during the show and coordinating any other services you might need.

One Invoice

Analyzing individual invoices from multiple suppliers—shippers, decorators, I&D teams, venues, caterers, internet providers—can be overwhelming. After your show, OnePoint reviews all service charges, disputes anything questionable, and then consolidates all your various show service costs onto a single invoice.

OnePoint Has Your Back

OnePoint’s comprehensive show services go beyond checking off items on a list. From ensuring your exhibit is complete and ready to ship to the show to onsite assembling to safely storing your cleaned and repaired exhibit afterwards, OnePoint has you covered every step of the way.

Leave the logistics to the experts at OnePoint so you can make the most of your trade show time and energy to focus on your customers and prospects. Contact us to learn more.

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